"Benediction" refers to the blessing given by priest or deacon using the Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance or ciborium. After Benediction, the Blessed Sacrament is reposed in the tabernacle.
The term "adoration" refers to prayer before the Blessed Sacrament exposed outside the tabernacle for veneration by the faithful. Adoration by itself is an act of personal piety and not governed by liturgical norms.
"Exposition" is the displaying of the Blessed Sacrament outside of the tabernacle in a monstrance or ciborium for the veneration of the faithful. Exposition is a liturgical rite and is governed by its own norms. As part of the liturgical life of the Church, exposition never takes place simply for the private devotion of an individual.
You are invited to make a commitment to Eucharistic Adoration. During Adoration, the exposed Blessed Sacrament in the Monstrance is not to be left unattended. At least two committed adorers must be present at all times. Click on the link above to commit to a 30 minute spot or commit to a full Holy Hour. Spots are available from 1:00pm to 7:00pm every Tuesday.
You can also call the parish office at 701-255-4600 and we will assist you.
Interested in Adoration but not sure what to do during your time?
A good way to spend time with our Lord is to divide your time into segments, each devoted to meditation and prayers of adoration, contrition, thanksgiving and supplication (Prayers of Intention).
Some fruitful prayers and devotions to consider for your holy hour are:
Sitting before Christ in Adoration is less about doing than about being.
It is a time to be present to God and to be open to his friendship and grace. A commitment to a Holy Hour is a commitment to the Lord.
"Could you not keep watch with me one hour?" Matthew 26:40