All of our lives have troubles that seem impossible to solve - marriage/family troubles, financial problems, illness, fears, worries, loneliness and unemployment. At times these problems feel like knots that we do not know how to untie or solve.
While Pope Francis was studying for his doctorate in Germany in 1986, he became familiar with the painting you see on the wall screens. This painting depicts an Angel giving Mary a white ribbon in which she unties knots. This painting was created following a nobleman’s visit with his priest, regarding his troubled marriage which was near divorce.As the priest lifted the man’s knotted, red wedding ribbon to an image of our Blessed Mother, he prayed and untied its knots. The ribbon turned from red to dazzling white.This brought hope to the nobleman, and his marriage survived its troubles.During his ministry in Argentina, Pope Francis brought the devotion, “Our Lady, Undoer of Knots”, to the people.It is based on the belief that Mary intercedes on our behalf to her Son, Jesus, for help in untying the knots in our lives.
One of the first things Pope Francis did when elected was to dedicate his tenure to the Blessed Mother. He also consecrated the world to Mary, the Mother of God on October 12, 2013. Pope Francis encourages us to bring the “knots” of our lives to Mary asking for her help in undoing these difficult situations.
We have placed a copy of this painting in our Corpus Christi chapel next to the statue of the blessed mother. This picture and statue can be used as a focus for meditation during prayer. We also have placed some ribbon for you to use during your prayer time. You could tie the ribbon with the knots of your life.When you are ready to give these to the Blessed Mother and ask for her intercession to Jesus, your ribbon can be placed in the crystal bowl on the table in front of her.
At all of the entrances of the church there are copies of a pamphlet “Our Lady Undoer of Knots” and a Knots prayer card which youcan pick up for your use.