To identify the gifts the Lord has given you to live your baptismal call and build the kingdom of God, Corpus Christi has created a Spiritual Gifts Inventory. Click on Spiritual Gifts Inventory to explore your God given gifts and identify volunteer areas that are best suited to your gifts and talents!
If you prefer, you may download the Spiritual Gifts Inventory under the Documents Tab on the left navigation pane, print it, fill it out and score it at home.
Volunteer Opportunities at Corpus Christi
Prayer Opportunities
ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Offered every Tuesday, immediately following the 12:10 pm Mass until 7:00 pm. Interested adorers commit to a 30-minute timeslot. If a Holy Hour is preferred, commit to two consecutive timeslots.
WEEKEND LECTOR: Prepare and proclaim the scriptures at weekend Mass. Training provided. Rotating schedule.
WEEKEND EUCHARISTIC MINISTER: Distribute Holy Communion at Mass. Training provided. Rotating schedule. Flexible.
WEEKEND ALTAR SERVER: Students who have completed the third grade through high school who assist at Mass. Training provided. Rotating Schedule. Flexible.
WEEKDAY LECTOR: Prepare and proclaim the scriptures at weekday Mass. Rotating Schedule.
WEEKDAY ALTAR SERVER: Adults who set up and prepare the sacred vessels and serve for weekday Mass. Training provided. Rotating schedule.
EUCHARIST TO THE HOMEBOUND: Sunday mornings, one Sunday per month, or weekdays. Occasionally daily to terminally ill. Training provided. Flexible.
CANTORS: Song leaders for weekend Mass. Musical proficiency needed. Flexible.
ACCOMPANISTS: Pianists, organists, guitarists, etc., to accompany for weekend Mass.
INSTRUMENTALISTS: All instruments welcome for weekend Mass and special events. Musical proficiency needed. Flexible.
CHOIR: Adults, Teens and Children Grades 3-8 who enjoy singing. Weekly rehearsals. Choirs members sing at one Mass per weekend in addition to Full Choir Masses on the 4th weekend of the month on a rotating Mass basis.
PRAYER TREE: Pray for others upon request. Includes phoning Prayer Tree members.
ROSARY and/or COMMUNION TO ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES: Lead the Rosary and/or distribute Communion to residents at assisted Living Facilities.
Hospitality Opportunities
NEW PARISHIONERS DINNER: Assist with inviting, planning and serving dinner for newly registered parishioners. Four times per year.
SPECIAL EVENTS DINNERS: Assist with serving special events as they occur (Lenten Luncheons, The Banquet, etc.)
HOSPITALITY USHER: Extend hospitality, take up the collection, and assist with seating people at Mass. Training provided. Rotating schedule. Flexible.
HOSPITALITY GREETER: Extend hospitality in the gathering areas before and after Mass. Training provided. Rotating schedule.
FUNERAL USHER/HOSPITALITY MINISTER: Assist in greeting and ushering at funeral services. Training provided. Rotating schedule.
FUNERAL LUNCHEONS: Assist with food preparation and serving luncheons. Rotating schedule, three to four times a year.
HOMEBOUND VISITATION: Visit Corpus Christi parishioners who are homebound. Training provided.
NURSING HOME VISITATION: Visit and deliver seasonal gifts to Corpus Christi parishioners who live in the nursing homes. Training provided.
Formation Opportunities
CLASSROOM AIDE: Help the Catechist in the classroom/Atrium. Aide can be middle school age or older.
CATECHIST: Adult (18+) who helps pass on the gift of faith in an unique, hands-on learning environment, based on the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd model for children ages Pre-School to grade 5. Training provided.
HALL MONITOR: Adults (18+) who assist in keeping children safe during faith formation sessions.
MIDDLE SCHOOL MENTOR: Adults (18+) who journey with middle school students to help them experience Christ.
CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD LEADER: Meet with young children to read and lead discussion of the Sunday Gospel during Mass. Training provided. Rotating schedule. Flexible.
YOUTH MINISTRY TEAM MEMBER: Adult leaders (19+) who assist youth ministry in a variety of ways, including direct ministry with teens, planning, fundraising, chaperoning, supervising, retreats and lock-ins.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL LEADER: Adults and teens, grade 6 and up, to assist at Vacation Bible School as station leaders, crew leaders and kitchen helpers. VBS is held for three days in late May/early June.
FOCCUS FACILITATOR: Married couples who assist engaged couples with the FOCCUS Inventory. Flexible schedule. Training provided.
FOOD PANTRY: Stock food pantry and prepare food boxes weekly, Mondays and Thursdays. Assist with preparing and distributing holiday food baskets (Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter).
MEALS ON WHEELS: Deliver meals, prepared by a city program, to the homebound. In January, during the noon hour, one day per week.
PRAYER BLANKET MINISTRY: Sew, crochet, or knit lap blankets that are given to Corpus Christi parishioners who need comfort due to illness or hardship. Help delivering the blankets is also needed.
ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE: Assist in decorating the church. Seasonal.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Join the national men’s organization of prayer, service and support of Corpus Christi parish. Monthly meetings and activities.
SMCHS CARNIVAL WORKER: Help with a variety of activities at the annual St. Mary’s Carnival each February. Workers of all ages needed.
CHURCH CLEANING: Assist with light cleaning and maintenance of the church and parish grounds.
KITCHEN HELP: Assist in preparing meals during Lent (Lenten Lunches or Fish Fries) or for special functions. Includes washing dishes after parish functions that include meals.
PARISH EVENTS PHOTOGRAPHER: Photograph parish events for use in flyers, newsletters, and promotions.