"Inspiring Youth to Live as Disciples of Christ."
Corpus Christi Youth Ministry offers a Catholic culture of faith and fellowship in an environment that offers encounter with Jesus through community, learning, and prayer. We provide opportunities for youth to grow in relationship with God.
Middle School Youth Ministry (MSYM)
Middle School Youth Ministry offers two different events each month during the school year. These events are called Summit and Oasis.
Summit Youth Nights
The Summit Youth Night is a once a month opportunity for grades 6th - 8th to encounter God in a deeper way through Eucharistic Adoration.
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Meet in Youth Room
Snacks Provided
Each night will include a heavy snack, games, a speaker, small group discussion, and Adoration. We have a high school peer team that will help run the events and mentor the middle schoolers alongside adult volunteers.
These events will encourage faith-filled friendships, deeper knowledge of the Catholic faith, and devotion to the Eucharist. All are welcome to attend, so bring a friend!
High School Youth Ministry offers weekly events as well as specialty events throughout the year such as attending the Steubenville Conference in Rochester, MN, Lifeline with NET Ministries, and the Holy Thursday Lock-In.
SNAC (Sunday Night After Church)
SNAC stands for "Sunday Night After Church" and is the name of our high school youth ministry program.
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Meet in the Youth Room
Dinner Provided
Upcoming events are listed on the calendar on the left navigation pane. There are no fees for participation.
Special Events and Trips
In addition to our weekly events, CCYM provide special events and trips throughout the year as more opportunities for encountering the Lord. Check out our trips this upcoming year...